AHMA-PSW California Conference & EXPO, Los Angeles, CA

AHMA-PSW California Conference & EXPO, Los Angeles, CA

Project Description

The California Conference and EXPO is the premier affordable housing conference in California hosted by the Affordable Housing Management Association- PSW. The conference unites industry leaders, policymakers, and mission-driven organizations dedicated to addressing constant changes in the industry. Speakers include Housing & Urban Development experts, the National Association of Affordable Housing professionals, vital legislative updates, expert panels, and an EXPO highlighting innovative solutions to drive meaningful change in the affordable housing communities.


ARAS has produced AHMA-PSW’s annual event since 2016 providing event planning, theme design for digital and press ready marketing materials, secure speakers, training session presenters, sponsors and exhibitors. Roll out marketing campaign to include Save the Date cards dissemination, followed by a robust social media and email campaign. Secure venue, entertainment, audio/visual technicians, DJ, lighting, décor for EXPO, stage, and plan VIP reception, luncheon, fundraising dinner, and awards program.